
Photobucket 欢迎来到本人的脑残世界!

在这里,也许你会看到,“听到”许许多多会让你觉得是种“折磨”的东西。 又或者,你们会觉得你们遇到了知音人。。。 再或者,你们也可以把我当成跟‘五色鸡头’一样是个来自火星的人!在最后,我要说的就是“仁慈的光明神是会原谅人们的一切罪恶的!”

Monday, March 28, 2005

Mood: Annoyed

Was feeling really irritated earlier on... further reasons and details could be found Here in my livejournal entry. I am now currently re-watching Gundam Seed hoping that it will help me calm my irritation. Anyway, My Gundam Seed Destiny Animes Reviews Blog is updated with links to both my LJ and Jerem's profile. Make another new friend today... it's Jerem's friend also using LJ... anyway, I don't really know either of them well.. it's just chatting on common grounds. Jerem also placed a link to my page as well, in other words we exchanged links. He linked it to my GSD reviews page... probably reading it recently due to GSD being lisenced and mine placing reviews up there helps him to catch up with the story lines rather fast/ first-handed... That's all for today, nothing much really.. see you!


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