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在这里,也许你会看到,“听到”许许多多会让你觉得是种“折磨”的东西。 又或者,你们会觉得你们遇到了知音人。。。 再或者,你们也可以把我当成跟‘五色鸡头’一样是个来自火星的人!在最后,我要说的就是“仁慈的光明神是会原谅人们的一切罪恶的!”

Friday, March 25, 2005

Mood: complicated

Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice:Flaming underpants
Your Favorite Target:Elderly men
Your Kill Count:1,586,238,206
Your Battle Cry:"Enlarge your penis with this ALL-NATURAL PILL!"
Years You Spend in Jail:43
How Much Money In Damages You Cause:$176,430,322,191,448
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 50%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

I'd just chanced upon one of my old accquitance LJ... I didn't mean to read it in details... it's just by chance that I find that nick familiar and it's under Kurama's friends list.. and hence I clicked on it. My suspicion was confirmed... it was indeed her. To be completely honest, my mood is kind of complicated now... it's like I don't know how to phrase it. cause' we broke our friendship off rather awful... well... I am not going to say what I saw there, but all I can say is that I am thankful that this time round the victim for her anger wasn't me... I had no idea why I read it... but I did read the content and all I can say is ... I don't know what to think of it cause' it simply brings back memories that I wanted to forget.

Although, I'd also joined the livejournal community recently but it wasn't under the influence of my past accquitance... it was under the suggestion of Arctic Dragonis asking me to join the LJ community so that they'd more FujiRyo lovers that did I joined... I'd added Ranchelle, Shuui and Zephyus under my friend list simply because I'd missed talking with them. The rest of the past accquitance during Cosplaying times I'd not been talking with them... I even deserted my ICQ since I am no longer participating in it.

Currently, the only few LJ did I frequent visit is Craze, MiaoJi and Arctic Dragon... since I'd communicate with them frequently... I did not even link to Ranchelle site here, as for her LJ is simply because I'm curious about what's going on in her life did I added her as a friend under the friend list. I wasn't very close to shuui and Zephyus... but I still added them because' they were *still on speaking terms with me* provided if I contacted them first, which I hasn't so far...I'd also left a comment in Ranchelle LJ since I merely wanted to inform her on my O level results... and that's pretty much what I did in there... didn't browse much just simply left a note to suggest meeting up for tea whenever free... which so far hasn't been done... Also, some of her mangas is still here with me... wonder when she would be free to collect it back.


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