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在这里,也许你会看到,“听到”许许多多会让你觉得是种“折磨”的东西。 又或者,你们会觉得你们遇到了知音人。。。 再或者,你们也可以把我当成跟‘五色鸡头’一样是个来自火星的人!在最后,我要说的就是“仁慈的光明神是会原谅人们的一切罪恶的!”

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Mood: anxious, worried

General: I'd just submitted my application for ITE enrolment online... a total of six courses is needed to be chose... My first choice is ultimately Administration in Higher Nitec... but for the other five I had totally no idea what to do with them... In the end I'd resorted to choose Accounting for second, Logistic for third, Business-IT for fourth and IT for fifth and Wireless technology for my last choice, and hopefully I can get to my first choice which is administration. The results will only be released on the 12th in April... hence I'm feeling rather anxious right now, and not to mention Worried.

Writing: Nothing new in this section, hence I'm taking a break from writing fics... not much is done unless you counted my writing of "Drunken Nights" last saturday. Anyway, I've just received a review to my story "The Library" so far it had turned out good... another two plp had added me to their author alert list which I'm glad of. Currently, "Drunken Nights" had four chapters ready but only two were up on FFdotnet... The rest of them were mostly on chapter 7 or 8, but only 3 chapters were up with the exception of "Lost and Found" and "What If" ...

Animes: Had been watching the anime "Whistle" for the past few days... in fact I had been rewatching them. Currently, rewatching DearBoys... haha... weird? Nevertheless, I'd always enjoy watching such animes... Heck, I even re-read the manga of Prince Of Tennis... currently re-reading till book 4.

Others: Visit several blogs of others... erm, that reminds me... I'll need to update the links of their blogs onto mine. I'd changed Miaoji blog address from her previous one to her current livejournal version. Well, I think I'd better get down to it now.. Ja!


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