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在这里,也许你会看到,“听到”许许多多会让你觉得是种“折磨”的东西。 又或者,你们会觉得你们遇到了知音人。。。 再或者,你们也可以把我当成跟‘五色鸡头’一样是个来自火星的人!在最后,我要说的就是“仁慈的光明神是会原谅人们的一切罪恶的!”

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Mood: Bitchy & Tired~

Writing news: Did not accomplished much today, I did managed to write chapter 7 of "Lost and Found" as well as Chapter 7 of "The Library" but I was stuck half-way through "Future" chapter 7. Reason is very simple, I suddenly can't remember the scenes which I wanted to write.. in short, I experience a writer's block. I guess I will have to revise it again tomorrow if I am able to get it done by then.

General: I'm exhausted, mentally exhausted... I can't think straight. Well, maybe a little physically as well... my bed did look kind of inviting to me right now... Maybe I'll catch some sleep before I starts on whatever overdue writing projects later at night. Also, I've just get the links done up nicely for my Fiction and Chinese Blog... hence they are currently link to this very page as well. I labeled this page as "Main Blog" since I'm using this for daily updates. "Chinese Blog" for my chinese reviews on Gundam Seed Destiny or chinese entries... and last but not least "Fiction Blog" for my random drabbles... and fics updating.

Other news: Just finished watching Gundam Seed Destiny episode 21, it's really hilarious... I could still remember the scenes... it's so funny! Well... further information on it or if you are interested in my reviews... feel free to check it out in my chinese Blog. It's under the links right at the side of the page.


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